Be Inspired By Nature

“ Wildlife photography is about putting in the time, field craft and being there at the right moment ”


  • Reolink Cameras for Wildlife Monitoring

    Reolink's solar-powered remote cameras offer an innovative solution for wildlife monitoring and conservation projects. With their sustainable energy source, these cameras provide continuous surveillance in remote areas, aiding researchers in studying wildlife behavior and facilitating conservation efforts, all while minimizing environmental impact and disturbance.

  • Why I switched to Nikon

    Transitioning from a seasoned Canon user to embracing Nikon gear for my wildlife photography adventures marked a significant shift for me. Check out my upcoming blog as I uncover the motivations behind this transition, exploring how Nikon's new features and lens capabilities reshaped my approach to capturing the natural world I so enjoy being amongst.

  • First owlet has hatched

    Over the past 32 days, Wilow has been incubating her 7 eggs only leaving them for a short period to stretch her wings. After all this hard work by both parents, we are very pleased to announce that the first chick has hatched in the early hours of 3rd May. We can hopefully expect an egg to hatch every 2 days over the next couple of weeks which is very exciting.

Species of the Week - The Brown Hare

The brown hare, known for its grace and speed, captivates observers with its sleek form and swift movements in the wild.

This iconic species, be be found in open fields and grasslands across Europe, and is always a species high on a wildlife photographers list.

Encountering a brown hare in its natural habitat is mesmerising. With their large expressive eyes and long ears they can be very hard to photography but with a bit of field craft and planning, amazing images can be captured.

Sadly, numbers have declined, certainly in my part of the world which makes them all the more special to photograph in the wild.